Friday, September 08, 2006
Welcome to My Blog
"I am astonished to think what appetite first induced man to taste of a dead carcass or what motive could suggest the notion of nourishing himself with the flesh of animals, which he saw, just before, bleating, bellowing, walking, and looking about them." -Plutarch
This blog is intended to provide useful information for new vegetarians and vegans, but I hope that veteran vegetarians and vegans will also find some useful information here.
I plan to provide information about the issues that lead people to adopt a plant-based diet and life style (concerns about animal abuse under the intensive "factory" farming system, health issues, environmental concerns, world hunger issues, etc.). There will be information about nutrition, vegan recipes, relevant books, and websites.
I have been vegetarian for about 10 years, and vegan for 7 years. I adopted a vegetarian diet when I learned about the horrors that animals endure on factory farms and in slaughter houses. There will be more information about this abuse of animals every time this blog is updated which should be almost every day.
I was pleased to discover that the most compassionate diet is also a healthy diet. I will have more to say about this as the days go by. Becoming vegetarian and then vegan has been an exciting adventure for me, learning wonderfu new things to eat, new recipes, and feeling that I am causing as little suffering as possible in this world. It's a great feeling.
It's OK to Take It Slowly. It Doesn't Have To Be All Or Nothing.
Maybe you have been thinking about becoming a vegetarian, but feel you can't give up your mom's Sunday pot roast, or the Thanksgiving turkey. Then don't give up these things. Do what you can. It does not have to be all or nothing. You can take it as slowly as you want. This is your life, your choice, no one else's. Many vegetarians and vegans have made the transition slowly.
What Is A Vegan?
A vegan is a person who, as much as is possible, does not eat, wear, or use any animal products-no eggs, dairy products, leather, fur, etc. More than a way of eating, it's a total life style. Many, maybe most, vegans adopt this life style out of compassion.
Misery On The Factory Farms
"The misery begins at production facilities , where animals endure months, even years, in filithy, overcrowded conditions. They are packed in factory warehouses, unable to exercise, breathe fresh air or engage in basic natural behaviors, resulting in both physical and psychological distress."
From the pamphlet "How We Treat The Animals We Eat", published by Farm Sanctuary (
Vegan "Cheese" Sauce
Makes 1/2 cup
This is one of my favorite recipes. It's quick and easy, does not require cooking, and best of all, it's very good. It was adapted from The Saucy Vegetarian, Quick and Healthful No-Cook Sauces and Dressings, by Joanne Stephaniak, published by Book Publishing Company, page 70 (I love this book!)
1/4 cup raw cashews
1 and1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 and 1/2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes (available at health food stores)
2 teaspoons sweet white miso or 1/4 teaspoon salt
Pinch of garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 cup water, more or less depending on desired consistency. I use only 2 tablespoons so it is thick enough to spread on crackers, or 1/4 cup if I am going to pour the sauce on noodles.
Grind the cashews to a powder in a dry blender. Add the rest of the ingredients. Blend until the mixture is creamy.
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
Paul McCartney *************************************************************************************
Thanks for visiting my blog. Please come back tomorrow.